Verkiezingen op de Idus van maart: nomen est omen?

Verkiezingen op de Idus van maart: nomen est omen?

Eeuwen geleden (2067 jaren om precies te zijn) kwam de Romeinse senaat op 15 maart 44 BC bijeen voor een vergadering. Vier jaren eerder hadden de senatoren Julius Caesar aangesteld als dictator voor 10 jaar om het Keizerrijk te herstellen, na diverse politieke conflicten. Zijn eretitel was imperator.

Reeds enige tijd was er politiek ontevredenheid over de rol/invloed/macht van de keizer. Het was tijd voor verandering. Op de Idus van maart werd de keizer doorgestoken door de senatoren, onder wie zijn aangenomen zoon: tu quoque, Brute waren Caesars laatste woorden.


Het keizerrijk verviel in een burgeroorlog. Vier jaar later liet Caesars erfgenaam Octavianus (keizer Augustus) 300 senatoren vermoorden.

Nederland kiest indirect een nieuwe senaat op de Idus van maart 2023. De onvrede over het ‘beleid van Rutte’ lijkt groot zowel onder de bevolking als onder politici. Er wordt met spanning uitgekeken naar de eerste bijeenkomst van de nieuwe senaat! Gelukkig zal dat nog even duren. En recentelijk is besloten, dat dolken voortaan geregistreerd gaan worden.


Author: Wim van den Heuvel

W.J.A. (Wim) van den Heuvel is born in Nuenen, the Netherlands. He is professor emeritus of the University of Groningen and of Maastricht University, the Netherlands, but still works as advisor/consultant/researcher. After Grammar School (Dutch: ‘Gymnasium’), he got his masters in Sociology and his PhD (thesis on ‘Adjustment in Nursing Homes’) at Radboud University Nijmegen. After assistant Professor at the Institute of Social Medicine, and of the Gerontology Centre, Radboud University Nijmegen (1969-1975) he was pointed as Director of the Institute of Social Oncology (Dutch Cancer Society, KWF), Amsterdam (1976 -1980). In 1979 Queen Juliana appointed him as Professor of medical sociology, University of Groningen, Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Medicine. In 1989 he also became Scientific Director of the Northern Centre for Health and Research University of Groningen. In the period 2000-2005 he was working as Professor in Rehabilitation and Handicap Maastricht University, Maastricht, also acting as Director General Institute for Rehabilitation Research and as Scientific Director of Research school of Primary Health Care Research (CaRe), Maastricht University. He was visiting professor at Syracuse University USA (1975), the University of Vienna, Austria (1997) and Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, Romania (2008). Besides visiting professorships he made study tours to Brazil, Australia, China, Cuba, India, New-Zealand and USA. During his professorship he supervised successfully 61 PhD students. He was project leader of various international research and development projects (financed by EU or the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs), including subjects like developments of primary health care, palliative care, home care for the aged, primary health care, care for specific diagnosis like cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and spina bifida. These projects included researchers and practitioners from Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. He received various rewards, including Academy Medal University PJ Safarit, Kosice, Slovakia, Honorary member of Romania Society of Family Medicine/General Practice, Romania, Honorary member of the European Society of Health and Medical Sociology, Honorary member Academy of Medical Sciences, Romania, Academy Medal University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Officer in Royal Order Oranje Nassau, The Netherlands, Siglium University of Krakow. He chaired – and still chairs - various national and international committees all related to scientific research in health care and gerontology.

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